Winter driving training in Lungau
High quality, international driving courses in Lungau are offered by the so-called Lungauring St. Michael, Winterfahrtraining Franz Schiefer in Thomatal and the Alpine Driving Center Karl Graggaber in Tweng.
Drivers can improve their driving safety in special courses, as well as vehicle dynamics technology in snow and ice. Superbly prepared courses for rally fans are also available, where enthusiasts can try out the fine art of drifting either individually or with a bunch of mates. Driving Center Karl Graggaber is especially popular with car manufacturers, as its’ favourable altitude level of 1,200 metres (ice and snow) provides optimum conditions for all kinds of vehicle tests.
Lungauring St. Michael (
Winterfahrtraining Franz Schiefer in Thomatal (
Alpine Driving Center Karl Graggaber in Tweng (
Lungauring St. Michael (
Winterfahrtraining Franz Schiefer in Thomatal (
Alpine Driving Center Karl Graggaber in Tweng (